Thursday, January 14, 2021

November begins!

November started with a time change.  "Fall Back" is great for adults who enjoy sleeping in, but for kids it is just a day to wake up early and feel tired all day. This year I was especially weary as I had eaten way too many pumpkin seeds and and was up throwing up in the night.  The kids came down early to find me watching a movie and they cuddled in.  It was a long morning, but a very cozy one.

Brandon came home from church to find this.  I think we were all truly sleeping like this.

Ticket To Ride family game!  I love it even when I don't win!

Sometimes we need to pause and celebrate small victories.  This November we began working hard to de-clutter around here. *This is still a work in progress.  One of Brandon's tasks was to look through his magazines.  The stack in his hands was headed for the recycling!
A proud wife moment!

The time change meant that it was lighter again in the mornings for walks!  I saw many incredible sunrises. 
One block from our house... I never get sick of this view!

Another day, another LEGO creation!

T: Some days I just want to be a dancer!

When it is 70 in November, you totally take a screen shot!
One of the blessings of homeschooling has been the slower start to our days.  T has learned how to make great omelets and loves to make mine each morning.  She truly has some skills!

T: There are many steps to an omelet.  I am adding the pepper.

Buttercup is curious.  Sunshine is wiped out!

I needed to get a closeup of this prince. 


The kids were very resistant to playing outside this fall.  I had to take a picture of a rare outdoor playtime.

T: We should jump from up here.

M: She makes this look too easy!

M: Nothing odd going on here.  Just a normal morning.

T: This is my latest house.
Covid cases in our area were in the critical level, but M wanted to have his best bud L over.  We decided on a masked outdoor hangout. 
I can tell that M is growing!

The crazy "jump over me" game!  Ahhh!

While M and L played T was scaling the tree in the front.

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