Sunday, January 17, 2021

School Pics 2020

Our kids have each been in their respective school building one time since March 13th 2020.  They each were able to get their photo taken this fall.  Because they STILL have fevers we had to write letters to the school nurse and orchestrate the photo time.  Even though the infectious disease Dr. says they are not contagious, they school requested that M go in a side door right near the photo location.  Someone from the office staff met us at the door and he was back in the van less than 2 minutes later. 

My handsome 5th grader! 

T's elementary school wanted us to wait until picture retake day to see if her fever would go away.  We jumped through the school nurse hoops and the "we are not enrolled can we still get her pictures taken hoop" and we got the picture taken!  T always adds a dramatic element to things.  She decided that she would hold her breath while her mask was off and the photo was being taken.  She reported this to me when she returned to the van. I was dreading seeing the picture.  Thankfully, it must have been taken pretty close to the time she started holding her breath because her cheeks are not all puffed up. I want to note that I wanted her to wear her hair down or curled, but she wanted her hair in a pony tail and then last minute she wanted to pull some out on each side.  She is her own woman, so I just went with it.

My beautiful 3rd Grader!


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