Thursday, March 24, 2022

A winter visit from grandparents

Brandon's parents were planning to go on a cruise in January.  When Omicron hit they settled for their back up vacation plans... a trip to our house.  It was sad for them to have this plan B.  I mean, we are fun... but we are not a warm cruise destination!   They arrived on a Thursday and stayed until Monday or possibly Tuesday, I can't remember.  We didn't think we would see them on Thursday night, but they arrived early so we told them to come on over. 

M: It was so good to see them.

T: Grandpa was stretching so I decided to stretch too!

The kids are getting big.  How much longer will they do this?

Beat That!

Cuddles! Again with the big kids!
Saturday morning T went downstairs into the work room and stepped right onto a nail.  The nail went into her foot, like Home Alone... but not funny!  I was out walking with a friend who happens to be a nurse at Children's.  We chatted and then opted to take her in for a Tetanus booster that can be given between doses to make sure she was protected.  She was fine a few hours later but it was quite traumatizing at the moment.
Waiting for the Urgent Care doors to open.

M was preparing for a solo on the bells, and Grandpa Tom helped him so much!  What a blessing!
Lots of focus.

Cuddles and books.

When any Grandpas arrive, the T salon opens!

More cuddles and books.

3 generations of Boggle lovers!

Chief excitement!

Ending this post with a whole lot of goodbye hugs!  Such precious pictures!

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