Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Creating a work out area

In late February and early March, Brandon spent a lot of time creating a new space to work out in the basement.  It was amazing to see the work room/storage area transform to a much more usable space.  I dreamed it would be possible, but it turned out better than even I imagined.  It is almost as if we gained an addition on our home without actually adding on. 

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was able to eliminate several bins. Once those were gone, and a few things moved to the attic above the garage we had a large open area.  I was just imagining moving the exercise equipment in, but then we realized that that dirtiness of the room could be a real problem.  

We decided to paint the walls and lay carpet tiles to really clean up the space.  As usual, we didn't really take any before picture. I am sure at some point we have taken photos in our work room, but I could not easily find them.  

In making this post I also realized that we haven't taken any photos of the big area now that it is no longer housing the exercise things.  We have a little living room area and the whole basement functions much better. 

I do have a during picture for you.  Brandon did most of the work, but T helped paint a bit.  Sadly she didn't change into paint clothes so her favorite pants now have more character.

T: The white looks so much better than the grey.
In progress, T is checking out the rowing machine.

Brandon created a system to cover the drain so we can still use it can carpet over it. 
One view!

The work out area.

The view from the work out area.

The food zone.  I don't like shopping, so when I go I really stock up.

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