Monday, March 15, 2021

Christmas Break Highlights

We had such a wonderful Christmas break!  It was so nice to take a break from school and just laugh and play together.  It was an extra blessing to have Brandon home from work for a few days!  I planned ahead and had all of my January Sunday School lessons completed before Thanksgiving so I wouldn't be scrambling around Christmas time.  It was one of the best decisions I made.

M spent a lot of time during break working on his LEGO cars. 
M: Are these wheels or earrings?

M: Look at this wheel tower!

While the kids played with Brandon, I used my free time to organize cabinets.  Most of the world was able to do this last spring, but I was trying to survive remote learning back then.  I spent many hours working through our kitchen.  There is still a long list of areas in our home to work through, but I am thankful for all that I was able to complete! 
It always has to get messier before it gets cleaner, right?

M: I loved having lots of time to LEGO and not having any meetings.

These napping buddies were thankful to cozy time on the couch.

T: I felt like I was ready for a ball!

T: Watch this dress twirl!

Many games of Shut the Box were played. 

On December 28th we finally had our first snow.  It was probably just an inch or two, but T was determined to not only shovel but also make some money.  She headed down the block asked to shovel people's sidewalk.  One person gave her two dollars but said she didn't have to shovel.  She thought it was great.  We were not super impressed with her antics, but she was pretty cute!

T: I just made $2.00!!
T and Brandon decided to make a giant fort in the front room.  They even grabbed some saw horses from the basement to complete their fort.  T enjoyed eating snacks and reading books in the fort. 
T: I made a special fort mix!

As you can see, it pretty much took over the room!

M: I still have a lot to do, but I am making progress!

On the night of the 29th to 30th we had another snow.  This time we had several inches and we had plenty to play in.  Brandon and the kids made a great snowman in the front yard!
Two happy guys!
I asked Brandon to make a face on the other side of the snowman too.  I wanted to see the smile while we were inside.  It turned out great!
Happy on both sides!
A snowy day with the perfect time to try out my new donut pans. They turned out pretty well for my first attempt. I learned a lot an my second attempt was much better.
The baking crew!

The finished products!
After donut making we had a super fun snow day playdate with Charissa and her kids.  Brandon really got into the fun and they had quite a snowball fight. Charissa and I sat on camp chairs and watched the show.
Prepping for the snowball fight.

It was everyone against T and Brandon.

As you can see, Brandon was all in!

December 30th was one of the only two days that birds used our feeder this winter.  It was so much fun to see all the birds out there.  We were sure they would be back each day, but they didn't return.  The cats, the kids, and the grown ups were all bummed.
T: Look at all these birds.

Many varieties in one day and then never again... why??

T: Do you like my latest creation?

On New Year's Eve I was upstairs drying my hair and caught these two playing nicely together.  It warmed my heart so much that I had to take a picture.
They played together!

 We made it through 2020!  What a year!  Has there ever been a year when our lives have looked so different from one Christmas to the next? 

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