Thursday, March 4, 2021

In November we learned...

...that Buttercup can't wait to get cozy with M.  (We actually already knew this one.)
...that M loves to draw on the marker board.

...that if my dress shoes are going to be worn, it will be by T!
...that puzzles are fun the second time too!
...that the bottom of my pasta shelf would make the perfect trash for my Sunday School coloring sheet sample (or alternate) ...that I need to clean my shelves!
...that the best way to end a long day is with this fluffy feline pair!

...that these to brothers are really best buds!

...that Brandon can describe how an internal combustion engine works. 

... it is better for me to copy what Brandon has to say about this!

"I was demonstrating the four cycles of a combustion process by showing the piston going up and down in the cylinder, when the valves open and what the valves are doing, when the spark plug fires, etc. I think this was after she and I spent some time discussing and watching videos on the amazing Ram TRX truck."

...that T LOVES to make these LEGO tops.
...that we have the supplies to create MANY LEGO tops!
... that I am really their favorite!  (I was working in the basement, and they were waiting for me at the door!)

...that Buttercup might be a football fan!
...that when trying to get a remote out of the inside of a chair you shouldn't take a pathetic picture of the inside of the chair, text it to your husband, and then set down your phone and totally smash the screen when picking up the chair!
The picture above got included because taking that pic led to the shattered phone screen and to me being without a phone for many days.  It was an odd vulnerable feeling.  I am working hard to take much better care of my phone these days.

...that Buttercup will tolerate coffee filter costumes, but he doesn't love them!

...that opening the lid on a new container of popcorn is a family effort!

...that T and I make a pretty good Math team!
... that sometimes everyone just needs an afternoon nap. 

... that T was hidden on the blanket with me!

... that Saturday night family movies are wonderful, as long as I can stay awake!

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