Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A busy Saturday (Week 12)

Our first day of summer vacation was a very busy day. In the morning while I walked the kids and Brandon started the big project of drawing social distancing circles on the church parking lot. It was a huge job.  The kids tried to help some, but making circles is pretty tricky.  

T: Keeping the string tight was hard. 

M: I only made one!

After the circles were drawn they got out the lawnmower and trimmer and did a bit of mowing and trimming in our front yard.

M: I love this thing. 
M: This mower worked better than the last one. 

Brandon mowed quite a bit too. 

T: I made a fort while the others were working. 

While they were all doing their thing I was organizing, sorting, cleaning and sweeping in the garage.  Things had gotten pretty bad, and we still had the kids snow clothes bags packed from before COVID!  I pulled out all the winter boots and had them try them all on.  Last winter I often heard that they didn't have any good boots.  I found three pairs plus for each child.  Who knows if any of them will fit by next winter, but we will store them until then in case they do! While sorting boots T discovered M's rollerblades now fit her.  She was very eager to try them out.

T: I am just a beginner, but these are so much fun!

Some deliveries arrived in the afternoon and the kids decided to sit in the box like they did when they were little.  Silly kids!

M and T: 10 seconds later we tore this box apart. 
In the afternoon I made apple crisp because we had some apples that were needing to get used quickly. 
While I was baking apple crisp, Brandon and the kids went biking downtown.  We sure live in a beautiful place. 
T:  I like to wear fancy shoes at all times!

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