Monday, June 15, 2020

Urgent Care Visit 2 (Week 12)

On June first I took M to the urgent care.  This was his second trip to urgent care since COVID.  The first trip was for the bike accident.  This trip was very different.  This time we had to go to the "sick" entrance since he had COVID symptoms.  This time we waited in a "sick room" for 3 hours as different people came to us.  They did take blood and urine and nothing came back elevated.  After three hours they sent us to the pharmacy to take antibiotics incase it was bacterial.  We listened to podcasts as we waited and M was happy to have two rounds of apple juice.  We missed being about to see our actual Dr, but he is only seeing healthy patients right now.  I felt grossed out thinking about everyone there before us and how they had all sorts of sicknesses that we might be getting.  When the Dr examined him without gloves I almost fainted. I am currently wondering if I picked up the germs that caused my sickness from our time in that room. 

It is crazy to think that we went to urgent care 13 days ago and that he had the fever for a week before that!  Wow!

The new face of urgent care

M: I am going to ask for apple juice every time now.  (Like he is hoping to go back...)

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