Sunday, June 14, 2020

Back in the Saddle!

*Real time post*

It is a beautiful Sunday afternoon by the Lake.  While it is beautiful, it is chilly.  It is 50 out right now.  I know we are colder by the Lake, but on June 14th that is cold for even us! We had outdoor church this morning.  It was nice to be able to gather in person and still at a safe distance. M's new roller blades arrived today so he and T are outside trying them out.  Brandon is practicing piano and I slipped away to his office at church so that I could blog without interruption.  I struggle to really focus on blogging when there are constant requests or noises of any kind.  I made it through college by doing all of my studying on the 4th floor of the library.  The 4th floor was always silent and I could get much accomplished.  Hopefully I will be able to focus and get several posts finished and some scheduled too.  

We are STILL battling fevers at our house.  M is on day 19 of a fever and I can't even understand it.  T is on day 7 for her fever.  I had a fever from Tuesday night through Saturday but have been fever free so far today.  I felt mostly OK on Wednesday and somewhat ok on Thursday, but on Friday I felt like I was being run over constantly.  A huge weight was on my chest, I couldn't stop coughing, I was battling the aches and chills of a fever and I had zero energy.  I knew I should gargle for my sore throat, but was too weary to make the salt water so I ate chips savoring the salt on my throat.  How pathetic I was!  I rested on the kitchen floor after breakfast and on the basement floor when the kids needed something from the basement.  Saturday was a bit better but I was still very fatigued.  This morning I woke up feeling great and have been able to get get many things done.  If I do too much I have a coughing spell, but overall I am very much on the mend.  We did learn yesterday that M and I tested negative for COVID.  This was M's second negative test.  I was actually surprised that I didn't have it since I felt like I had every symptom.  I am trying to be very vigilant to keep us away from others.  While we don't have COVID, I don't think anyone wants what we have! 

I have wanted to blog for a while and am so excited to finally share some highlights from the past couple of weeks with you all.  

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