Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Big Grocery Haul (Summer Vacation 1)

I made a HUGE shopping trip in late March.  It was such a big trip, that besides online shopping and little things here and there, I didn't actually go into stores for big shopping trips for 10 weeks!  Yep, TEN WEEKS!  After that long, we were in deep need of another major haul.  On Monday, June 8th I hit the stores once again. 

You can see from the picture below, the fridge was pretty empty... besides the condiments. 

The fridge was ready for to be restocked.  

When I left for the shopping trip I didn't have a plan to buy crazy big amounts of things again.  I started my shopping time at Trader Joes.  Because it is a distance from our home I generally go to Trader Joes three or maybe four times a year.  My last time there was early January. I stocked up there, but I always stock up there.  I want to note that 98% of the people were wearing masks.  I felt very safe and the store felt very clean.

Something happened when I got to Aldi, and suddenly I had three carts of groceries!!  I have no idea why I started buying so much, but I think I just thought I was there, so I might as well buy.  I won't tell you my total... but I will tell you that the credit card company called Brandon to make sure the card hadn't been stolen!

I decided to skip Walmart this time around, but I did some online ordering of non-perishables.  I did hit up Meijer, Dollar Tree, and Piggly Wiggly, and a local chain to round out my shopping day.

This was the back of the van after Trader Joes and Aldi!!!!

I decided to take an after shot of the fridge.

A bit different than the morning.
Besides the fridge, there was MUCH food stored in the basement!

Produce on the basement floor. 

Non-perishables in quarantine in the basement... yes I am that person!

My Aldi shopping list was as long as a small child! 

So perhaps I won't be doing another shopping run for another couple of months.  It was a HUGE undertaking, but I must say, it does feel quite wonderful to know that I will not have to run errands for a long time. Before COVID I only shopped once a month.  I have heard that many people who shop twice a week are now shopping once a week, so I guess it is natural that I doubled up too!

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