Thursday, June 18, 2020

Safer at home Week 12

The last several posts shared about many many events that happened during week 12!  We had a graduation, two parades, a water fight, outdoor church, trips to the park etc etc.  Scroll back to see all of our exciting adventures.  The pictures below document some of the other moments of the week! 

On June 2nd the temps heated up, even by the Lake!  It truly was 91 degrees here.  This is a very rare happening and deserves a mention, especially since as I type this post it is only 60 degrees!  This area usually has cool springs, but every once in a while we have a hot day.  The temps the rest of the week were a bit cooler than expected, but we tried to enjoy the heat while we had it.  Actually, that isn't totally true.  I enjoyed the heat as much as possible while the kids complained and felt like they could not possibly survive in this hot climate haha.  

We have special COVID treats hidden at our house.  The kids were trilled with I handed them fruit by the foot.  This is a very rare treat around here!
T: I can't believe we are eating this. 

During the final week of school we were able to go to school and drop off all the school materials and pick up school supplies and projects etc.  We brought snacks and expected to have to wait in a long line.  When we arrived we realized there was no line at all.  It was fun to see all of the kids craft projects.  T was very proud of this paper mâché guy that she created!

T: He is very special to me. 

T and Sunshine are so cozy together at bedtime.  T wears very minimal clothes to bed.  Try not to be distracted by the lack of clothes and admire the amazingness of our sweet Sunshine to be totally content with her laying on top of him.  

Best buds!

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