Friday, June 19, 2020

While I was shopping... (Summer Vacation 1)

June 8th wasn't just a big shopping day for me, it was also an exciting day for my crew at home.  It was the first official week day of summer vacation for the kids.  Brandon was attempting to do a bit of work and to watch the kids.  He wanted to get a couple of things done and then told the kids he would take them fishing. There was much fighting happening about LEGO storage space.  He interceded in fights several times.  Suddenly, while he was trying to work M came in and told Brandon that T had run away.  

Brandon quickly got on shoes and started to follow her.  Thankfully she was on roller blades which she had just discovered two days before and wasn't very good at.  This slowed her down quite a bit and he easily spotted her on our street.  When our hill became too steep she kicked off the roller blades and continued barefoot!  She was carrying a walking stick and a backpack containing a blanket, a shirt, and a glow stick.  

Brandon picked up the roller blades and followed her as she headed downtown.  She wouldn't acknowledge him as she walked, but she didn't run away either.  Poor Brandon was struggling in the sunshine with his extremely sensitive post surgery eyes.  Finally he told her they needed to turn around at the end of the next block.  

He ended up carrying her on his shoulders and holding her bag, roller blades and stick as they headed home uphill!  By the time they got home she was laughing and things were back to normal. He is a great dad.  

Of course I had to give him a bit of a hard time saying, "I go to the store for one morning and this happens..."  haha

She has the runaway fashion down! 

They eventually did head to the lake.  They all had a great time.  This lake has lots of little fish so there is much nibbling happening.

T: I don't mind putting on the worms. 

M: Here is my first fish!

T: I like to touch their fins!

A focused girl. 

A focused boy. 

Nice one!
After the fishing trip Brandon snapped this selfie with T!  She saw what he was wearing that morning and wanted to twin with him.  She might be impulsive, but she is also very endearing! 


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