Sunday, June 14, 2020

Safer At Home Week 11 Reflections

Week 11 is now in the rear view, but the ripples of sadness remain in our country.  My week 11 ran from May 25-31st.  I have blogged about Memorial Day, but have been stuck with moving forward on the posts because of the post I know needs to come next.

While we enjoyed our screen free Memorial Day, something horrible was happening in MN. On Tuesday while Brandon was having surgery, we watched news come from MN about the terrible and sickening death of George Floyd.  We were ill as we saw this video.  Still, weeks later my brain can't quite fathom the full reality of the pain he endured, or the knowledge that things like this happen all the time and this one was simply recorded.  In many things I am a realist, but I guess a privileged Pollyanna part of me refused to believe that things this horrifically inhumane could happen.

I have spend much time in the last weeks reading articles, watching videos and listening to the voices of the oppressed and hurting.  My heart breaks over and over again to the realities that my privileged self has never experienced.

There are so many things I want to say, but knowing what to say is the struggle. Many good things have been written and recorded.  I don't need to add my two cents, but to simply say that I stand with those fighting for justice. I have learned more about systemic racism in America.  The reality that racism in America didn't end in the 60's is becoming more and more painfully obvious.

I see and acknowledge anew my privilege.  I remember reading a "Shopping while Black" article as we were in the adoption process almost 11 years ago.  There are many things that I thought I knew, but reading that article was a pivot point for me.  With each video I watch and article I read I am more aware of the countless ways my life has been privileged. I acknowledge that for better or worse, I want to selfishly share my privilege with my children of color.

We have frequent talks with our children about racism and we did talk with both kids about George Floyd.  M had more questions and watched the video (without us knowing).  We commit to having open conversations about the topic of race often as our children grow.  I ache that my children are growing up in a nation that is still so racially divided.  I work hard to tell them that Black Lives Matter.  I saw a meme that to "matter" is just the start.  I want to push farther to proclaim that black lives don't just matter, but that they are deeply valued, essential, equal and perfectly and wonderfully made by their Creator.  Now, I know that in this era there are sadly some selfish voices who want to proclaim that "all lives matter."  If you know me, you know that I believe all lives matter, but right now we seek justice for the black community and we stand with them.

This sweet girl says it perfectly!!!

I also wanted to share comic below.  Please see my heart in this.  I have many passions and care for many underdog groups.  I have seen the way Asian Americans are struggling in this COVID season.  I ache when I hear about child trafficking, children stuck in foster care, refugees, elderly unable to have visitors, people dying alone... the list can go on and on.  There is much suffering in our broken world.  I say all this because some could roll their eyes at the comic below, but I appreciate it and it has been helpful to me in this season and I hope it will be for you too.  Right now, in this season, let's pray that laws will change to protect the lives of black men and women and children in our country.  Let's pray that our laws will speak to their hearts so they feel like they matter, but not just matter... so much more!

One of the saddest things I have seen in the last few weeks is the  continued polarization in our country.  I have seen preachers and teachers speak out for justice only to be raked through fire and spit on.  This is sickening to me.  Last week a man Brandon and I knew in our college ministry days (Nick Hall) wrote these two quotes on Instagram.  "The American Church is full of quick fixes - and short on taking the time to actually sit with people in their pain."  I feel like this is so profound and so sad. This statement is a sad reminder to mourn with those who mourn in all areas.  His other quote might be sadder.  "Two weeks into a national discussion on racism and people are fed up with it - Imagine what that feels like to those who have faced this reality their entire lives."  As a white woman of privilege I want to continue to listen, learn, pray and educate others!  It has been very encouraging to see laws being created and small changes happening. I believe that the protests are bringing about good changes that have needed to happen for a long time.  As changes happen let us remember that we do not erase hundreds of years of oppression with a couple of weeks of law assessment and change.  Let's pray that we would not follow the American Christian norm, but that we would continue to walk this long journey with our brothers and sisters.  I am praying that the Gospel would unite and it should because after all, it is Good News of great joy for all people!!!! 

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