Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Twins, Spectacles, and Automobiles.

Brandon spends a lot of time with the kids on Saturday mornings while I go for a walk and run errands.  One week the kids decided to be twins.  T wore M's clothes so they could both be sporty.  They ran an errand to the glasses shop and the kids needed to test out a pair as well. They also went to a car show that had a bounce house.  My kids love a good bounce house.  They were not super thrilled about the car show, but Brandon found a couple of neat ones. 

M and T: We are twins!
M and T: See, we really look alike!
M and T:  When you can't see our heads you can't tell who is who. (Check out their arms, matching skin tone)
T: I just love my brother!
M: Do I look like an adult? 
T: These things are heavy. 
T: This car looks like a house.  M:  I did get a balloon.
The kids were so ready to go, but Brandon wanted a picture of this car.  It is a "boat car"  It is fully car and fully boat.  We have seen it in the marina tooling around inside the breakwater.  It drives right into the lake.  Pretty cool.
T: Can we go now? 

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