Monday, February 25, 2019

Content Cats!

As I mentioned in the last post, Sunshine is very relaxed.  Buttercup also loves to cuddle and rest with us.  It is amazing to me the depth of their trust and love for us.  We have worked years to develop trust with our children and are still working on issues. We are so thankful to have these two sweeties as part of our family. 

Apparently Buttercup and I both fell asleep. 
This is trust!

He is seriously relaxed!
T used to love this doll pack and play.  The cats have claimed it as a one of their favorite places to cuddle and sleep.  So thankful for a repurposed toy!

The still love being together. 

T: I can't believe it.  Buttercup was sitting on my lap like a person! 
They are a constant source of therapy and a reminder to slow down and cuddle! 

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