Sunday, February 10, 2019

Cuddly, Curious, and Playful Kittens!!

Another kitten post!  They are growing and learning and getting into some trouble and giving millions of cuddles.  

In November Buttercup got a nasty parasite (most likely from licking Brandon's bike after he biked near farms).  He was so sick for a couple of days.  It was very scary.  The cats were also neutered right after Thanksgiving.  The surgeries went well and it didn't change their personalities at all.  We continue to be so blessed by our kittens. 

They love sleeping together!

Sunshine is up to no good!

They choose to sleep here much to T's delight!

The kittens LOVED the Christmas tree, the ornaments, and the tree skirt.  They spent many hours sleeping there.  We put weights on the tree stand and thankfully we didn't have a single tree tumble all season.  Our bottom branches looked a little sad and the tree was a bit slanted when we took it down, but we made it through the kitten's first tree.

The kittens:  What?  There is nothing to see here? 

Buttercup:  Shucks!  They caught me!

T: I love him!

Sunshine has  gone from chasing balls (like the photo below) to fully playing fetch.  He gets so excited to play, much like a puppy.

M: Sunshine is a good "dog cat." 

We were given a furniture upgrade in December and the kittens were very eager to scale the furniture before it made the trip to the basement.

Buttercup:  I am taller than you!

These kittens can turn a hard day into a great day!

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