Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Jacob and Esau

Our church is on year one of our first cycle through the Gospel Story Bible curriculum.  I love it so much!  I am teaching the 4K-5K class and both of my kids are in the 1-3rd grade class.  We are all learning so much each week.  Each class does a lot of acting and crafting and experimenting with many learning styles.
The children are retaining so much incredible biblical knowledge at such a young age.  At our church we do not do Sunday School in the summer so it will take us 5 years to get through one cycle of the curriculum.  The children will be doing it from 4K-8th grade so everyone will get to go through the whole process twice while they are in our classes!  The high school class does a four year survey of the Bible so if children start our classes as preschoolers they will have gone through the Bible three times during Sunday mornings!  We are incredibly blessed to be at a church which values Biblical literacy! 

M and T: We were animals! 

My favorite craft of the season were our Jacob/Esau arms.  We were learning about Jacob tricking Isaac out of Esau's blessing by putting hair on his arms.  The kids were able to make arms that were both the actual Esau arms and the trick Jacob arms.  They had a blast gluing and wearing the hairy arms!  So I don't forget, during our first week on Jacob and Esau we learned that Esau's name means "hairy."  The children repeatedly refer to Esau as "Harry" now when I ask the brother's names.  Oh how they make me smile!

Lots of hairy arms. 

Meanwhile my kids were next door acting out the same story.

T: I was Rebekah and my friend S was Isaac. 

M: I was Esau. 

T: My friend L was Jacob and I was telling him my plan for him! 

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