Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Mama Tribe

The first couple of years after trauma hit our family I was stuck in a nasty numb place most of the time.  I tried to eat away my feeling with bag after bag of Kettle Brand Krinkle Cut salt and pepper chips.  Then I came across a book that I thought I could go through with some adoptive mamas from out church.  From there our tribe was formed!  We are mamas in battle against trauma.  A a group we are parenting twenty-one kids!  We "get" each other in ways that no one else can.  Our victories are different.  Our battles are different!  These women have given me tools to help me advocate for my children better.  We have shared countless ideas, laughs, and tears.  Their presence in my life is instant self care.  None of us are living the lives we imagined on our wedding days, but our circumstances have led us together and for that we are indeed thankful, grateful, and blessed! 

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