Wednesday, February 6, 2019

When mama gets sick...

After a very productive start to the week after Thanksgiving everything came to a halt.  I started to feel pretty rotten on Wednesday and ended up having 8 days of migraines.  It was horrible.  I also had the stomach flu on Thursday.  It was so bad that Brandon had to pick the kids up from school because I couldn't drive.  I was able to help put the kids to bed before his meeting that night, but things just kept getting worse and my body kept heaving with nothing left to throw up.  Poor T came down and wanted me to walk her to her room and she saw and heard much and then was so very worried about her mom.  I tried to tell her I would be fine which I am sure was not reassuring given my condition.  I didn't even know where she went when I finally convinced her to leave the bathroom but Brandon told me that she was sleeping in the hallway upstairs. 

Sadly, as I did nothing for a day and a half I was too sick to binge watch Christmas movies.  I didn't even have the energy to open the computer or search for a DVD. 

While I was sick the kids really stepped up.  T loved helping with chores.  She even decided to do some shoveling! 

T's awesome shoveling skills!

She asked me if she could unload the dishwasher.  I was fine with that idea.  Once I was feeling better I opened the cabinet and noticed that things didn't look quite like usual, but everything was in the the correct cabinet so I was impressed.  She has to do so much work to get every single plate into the cabinet and even more work than she needs to because she has her own plan.  She carries each plate one at a time to the counter then climbs on a stool then climbs on the counter then sets the plate in the stack and repeats.  What a great worker!

T's hard work. 

M: I was so glad that Mommy was feeling a little bit better. 

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