Friday, May 8, 2020

Safer at Home Week 7

Safer at Home Week 7 ran from April 27th until May 3rd.  We had many big happenings at our house last week.  As I posted Wednesday, our piano arrived last Thursday.  I am going to do several posts about the more memorable events of the weekend in the next few days.  This post will be more of an overview of the week and some of the smaller special happenings and events. 

I snapped the photo below on Tuesday.  It represents a new era of home learning we are in.  T is now submitting many assignments each day on Seesaw.  I find this program to be pretty non user friendly. Her work load has gotten much more intense and I am having to not just sit with her during school time, but actually reteach a lot of the content.  This means I have no time during the day to blog.  I have been falling asleep while putting M to bed most nights so that is why I am much slower to blog these days.  

T: I like to add backgrounds to my Seesaw submissions. 

Last week we did a very tricky puzzle.  It actually took us more than a week to complete.  It was a round Thomas Kinkade.  We have become good puzzlers and we were up for the challenge.  The kids currently have two 500 piece puzzles going at once.  

M:  This is one tricky puzzle. 

On Wednesday Buttercup decided to lay with T at rest time.  She was so excited that she wanted me to take and post a pic.  Usually Buttercup sticks with M and Sunshine sticks with T.

T: Buttercup came up here on his own.  

On Thursday morning we had the  piano delivered, but we also had a busy day of schooling and preparing for T's restaurant to open.  We worked a long time on her menu's.  After dinner we all ate at her restaurant.  We didn't have too much time to eat as we had a Zoom meeting with family.  This meant we ate there two nights in a row!

T: Welcome to Under the Sea Cafe!

The menus!  All payments are made in hugs!

Enjoying my veggie stew, banana, and tea!

On Friday the kids and I went for a bike ride around town.  We ended with a distanced talk date with neighbor friends.  I have more pics from these playdates coming up in a future post.  While out on the patio I noticed a blooming daffodil in our backyard.  The Lake causes us to be a bit behind on signs of spring, but they arrive eventually!

Spring has come to our yard!

We finished the puzzle on Friday!

M: I think this was our trickiest puzzle ever!

After finishing the puzzle and eating another tasty meal at T's restaurant, Brandon and I had an after dinner show to attend!

T: I like to make up my own songs!

Saturday was a very busy day with two bike adventures, grilling, a haircut and more.  There will be additional posts to follow about this day.  We bought a new grill at the end of last season.  It cooks things so much more quickly than our last grill.  We are very thankful for it.  We all love fajitas!!!!  It was a beautiful day with a high of 73!

Thankful for our new grill!

Sunday was quite an eventful day.  We started the morning with church.  The kids had another biking adventure with Brandon in the afternoon.  We grilled steaks for dinner.  T had a run in with a squirrel which is a post of it's own!  After dinner we had a campfire and then headed inside for a game of Sorry before bed.  It was a full day and a full weekend.  The weather was really changing Sunday evening and more typical weather returned.
Cat in a box during the church service. 

The kids were able to help with the grilling.  They both were eager to learn.

M: It was a little hot and smoky. 

T:  I'll just flip this right over. 

T: I begged for a fire and we had one!!!

A great way to end the night!  

After the kids went to bed I realized that for the first time in 2 month, I needed to start writing appointments down.  Suddenly my brain couldn't remember all the times and days for the different meetings.  T had OT on Monday, Art on Tuesday, Deaf/Hard of Hearing learning on Wednesday, and Therapy on Thursday.  She also had school commitments throughout the week.  M had Piano on Tuesday and Thursday and school video chats as well.  I also had commitments to keep.  The venues have changed, but life is moving on in new ways.  I am thankful that we can try to maintain a sense of normal, but sad that so much of it is connected to a screen.  

Check back for more posts about specific parts of the week.  I will blog as time allows.

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