Monday, May 4, 2020

Say What?

When the kids were much younger I used to do "Say What?" posts quite frequently.  I have not done one now for several years (at least 4!).  I collect quotes in an envelope in our kitchen and then post them in the blog.  Many of these quotes are four YEARS old (which is half of T's life) and some are more recent.  I was cleaning that drawer about a year ago and I found some really old quotes.  It is so much fun to see their sweet words and laugh.  There are a couple that I can't really understand and some I have no clue the context of, but I will share what I have and hope it helps you smile today!

In the early days all the "Say What?"  quotes were from M, and now they are almost all from T.  I know they still say crazy stuff so we need to continue to write them down.

I did a little scouting and realized I have not done a "Say What?" post since Nov 2017.  I also did one in Feb of 2017.  I did two posts in 2016 in April and November.  You can click on the month names to read those posts.  If you want to read all the "Say What?" post from through the years you can click on the "Say What?" label at the bottom of this post and it should link you to all of them.

Happy Laughing!

One night while listening to the song "Livin on a Prayer,"  a song M has been singing along with for sometime.
M: Is it living on a prairie?
Brandon and Shelly: No
M: Oh I thought it was all along.

T:  I am going to see if I can drink water while I pee if it just keeps coming out.
B: Wow, you went a lot!
T: See, it works!

M: We're broke in the refrigerator.  We hardly have anything in there.

These are really old:
T: pronounced Edamame "Addy mommy"

T's first prayer:  "JeJe, amen"  I wrote on it that M's first prayer was "Lord, amen"  It is nice that they were consistent.

T: How much balls did you fetch him?

B: T, it's time to go.
T: But I can't find my other lotion.
B: What other lotion?
T: The lotion that I can't find.

I often say "Haste makes waste" so one day T told me a new phrase:
T: Never waste haste, that's my phrase.  (She is pretty accurate for her personality)

While eating garlic bread...
T: Your bread is like a broom, but my tongue is like a vacuum.

T: Dad, are you big for your size?

A couple from T watching a football game a couple years ago:
T: How come they don't have three teams playing in the game?

B: Yes!  Touchdown!
T: Oh, do they have 4 points now?

T: Can I give you a detour? (She wanted to give us a tour of her LEGO house)

T: I have a hot heart.
Me: What?
T: My heart is a machine.
Me: What does it do?
T: It changes food to poo and pee.

T: I love to multiplucate.  Can we practice multiplicating?

M: My favorite thing to watch on Dude Perfect is the Styropes.  (He meant stereotypes)

T: It smells good in here.  It smells like there is a light on.  (She is probably talking about the candle warming light)

T: Bald eagles are not supposed to be hunted because of their danger.

T built a house out of some material
T: This is a chimpanzee for Santa to go down (chimney)

T and I were talking about not eating too much stuff with sugar.  I asked her what would happen if you eat too much sugar.
T: You would get a cavity and then you would need to put mint in your mouth that is like sidewalk.  (She meant a filling of cement)

T: I like broccoli, but I don't like Grandpa's.  It is rotten. (she meant raw)

There is a quote from November of 2017 that M said.  It has something to do with faith, but I can't remember the context at all.
M: Sometimes I imagine them in a uniform.

Here are a few from T from the summer of 2018:

T: My poo looks like Superman's muscles (she said this in a gas station on the way to visit my family.  I am sure many got a chuckle out of it.)

T: Can we bike in the military (The cemetery)

T: Great job parking mom, when I learn to drive I am going to hit like ten things every day.
Me:  Thanks.  I am glad you are not going to drive for many years.

T: (to Brandon) The cats have termites (ear mites)

T: Why don't you like meatloaf, M?  It comes with potatoes.  (I love that she thinks things go together, almost like a menu.  I do always make meatloaf with potatoes.)

Here are some quotes from last November... some of them we have no idea why we wrote them down.

M: He's famous and popular, mom.  Don't you know?
M: It looks like the Bahamas

Grandma Kathy:  Do you know anything about World War Two?
M:  Yeah, I know that Hitler was a Jew.  (After we laughed he figured out what he said wrong.)

No idea of the context, but sometime in MN T was saying this over and over again...
T: Bluffer it up.  Bluffery.

Recent quotes:

Before playing a game of Aggravation..
T: I want to play Endocrine. (I think M had an Endocrine appointment coming up)

T: I read in Greek mythology that they praised the scared rock. 

T: Like driving the sheep out of evil demons.  (She was trying to make a point in Bible time and got pretty mixed up)

While playing LEGO's
T: Where is the hobo thing?
M: What, the bazooka?
T: Yeah. 

T: Do all living things that are bugs either go to heaven or a museum? 

T: Can you put Jit Jot on?  (Jock Jams CD's from the 1990's)

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