Monday, September 16, 2019

Family Update BAHA surgery update etc.

I checked the blog yesterday and realized I am out of scheduled blog posts.  Time to go on another blogging spree.  Thankfully, I missed just one day and not four months haha.

I wanted to write a short update on how T is doing a couple of weeks post-op.  She continues to be healing very well.  She has never complained about pain on the incision site or in the bone.  Remarkable!  She hasn't complained of any itching during the healing and hair regrowth either. She has been so brave, starting school with the cap and then going without the cap and the full incision showing.  She is so self confident and I am so thankful for this.  She loves her teacher and is enjoying second grade.

 She was able to start swimming lessons two Saturdays ago, and between swimming and baths all of the sticky layer on the incision site has come off.  This means that she can wear her hair down.  She has been wearing it down, and some kids asked her if her hair already grew back.  Children's Hospital sure did a great job cutting the hair in a way that it wouldn't show.

Last week she was on modified exercises for gym and recess, but today she is back to doing whatever the class does.  She has been making dangerous choices since surgery day, so I am thankful that we are finally officially cleared for her to be herself again.  Today marks the first day of wearing her BAHA again.  She gets her new magnet BAHA on October 10th, but she is able to wear her soft band as she waits for the magnet one.  She was not impressed with the band and wanted to know "how many days, hours and minutes is it until she gets her magnet?"  The band rubs on the incision site, but it should be safe to wear now... but perhaps annoying.

M is enjoying his start to 4th grade.  He has a great teacher too and appreciates being part of the oldest grade in the building.  M has a surgery coming up on October 4th.  This surgery is the third surgery he has had related to the same issue.  I am not sure how much he wants me to share about it on line, but he is nervous about the surgery and equally nervous that he won't get the same love an attention during recovery that T did.

T's case manager and I are interviewing a new therapist tomorrow.  We are so excited for her to begin in home therapy once again and praying that this therapist will be a great fit for her and for our family! Once T's therapist and mentor are in place we will begin paperwork for M's process and he will begin about a month later.  The process of getting case managers began in early April.  It is a slow road filled with paperwork, but it will be so worth it.  We feel blessed to have a team of people involved in the lives of our children who are there to help with their mental health now and in the future.

Brandon and I are quite busy this fall season.  The church is deeply under construction and that has brought a lot of additional stress to our lives.  We are hosting three Sunday School classes in our home throughout the renovation.  I teach the 4K-5K class in the basement.  I managed to create a great classroom down there, so the set up couldn't be better. I have had 14 students so far.   The 1-3rd graders are in our kitchen.  We set it up like we do for potluck and it holds them quite well.  I think they have 12-15 in their group.  The 4-6th graders meet in our back family room around two white tables (about a dozen).  Our front room gets cleared out for a big empty space for games.  Our entry area becomes a check in station.  Our front closet is storage central for folding chairs etc.  It is quite an undertaking doing prep cleaning and set up on Saturday and tear down on Sunday after church.  I also manage the nursery workers and teach my own class on Sundays.  Brandon has all of his Sunday morning responsibilities and is teaching the only class for adults.  He has extra work before and after services to prep for the week of construction.  On Saturday he bought and laid sandbags so we wouldn't flood the basement if it rained overnight... but that is a different story.  The bottom line is we are very busy.  I just wrote about Sundays, but we are so booked all week.  We are beyond thankful for the building project and are so excited to see the progress happening each day.  It will feel like a HUGE gift to our family when things are complete.  My mind can't really even imagine it ever being complete at this point. It is scheduled to be finished at the end of January!

Time to get back to the blogs and rewind my brain to June!

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