Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Take me out to the BALL GAME!

This June we took the kids to a Brewer's game.  It was T's first game and M's second.  M was very young for his first game though so he didn't remember it at all.  We were blessed with free tickets from the hearing group we are a part of for T!  We got to tailgate with some other families from the hearing group and then we headed to the field.  The only downside was that the game STARTED at 7:20pm!  Whew, it was a late night.  The kids had VBS the following morning too, but we couldn't say no to this opportunity! 

I love this crew!

Ready for baseball! 

It was a fun night for the parents!

Excited for the game to start!

I sure love these two!

M: We got to see the real Brewers! (we didn't have the greatest seats haha)

M: I walked down for a better view. 

M: Later I moved higher for a different view.  

While he was sitting up high they did the 7th inning stretch.  We missed the pic, but at the start of "Take me out to the ballgame" M had his hand on his heart.  It was so sweet!

M: It was a good song!

T: I wanted to sit right in front of mom and dad so I could be on my own for a minute. 

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