Sunday, September 8, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend Festivities!

Brandon's parents and his sister Adrienne and her kids A and A came to visit for Memorial Day weekend.  Chris couldn't join them because he was dealing with a kidney stone. Besides all of the regular visiting fun, we has special surprise plans for Brandon for Sunday! 

Everyone arrived very late on Friday night.  I think Brandon actually went to sleep before they arrived.  Adrienne and the kids stayed at a local hotel and Tom and Judy at our house.  

On Saturday morning Mikias was up early and excited to see Grandpa and get in some good cuddles. 

M: I am so glad Grandpa Tom is here. 

Once Adrienne and the kids arrived they headed over to the neighbor's house (S's family) to get some bikes.  S's family was camping so the bikes were available.

They couldn't resist a little playing first. 

Hauling bikes up the hill is hard work!

After playing around for a little while, we went to a small carnival at a local grocery store parking lot.   The kids enjoyed some rides and the "best hotdogs ever" according to them.  It was actually quite a warm day.

M: This was the best ride!

Hotdogs and chips, what could be better? 

After lunch the kids headed to a YMCA waterpark with Grandpa Tom and Adrienne.  Sadly they didn't stay long because the pool closed unexpectedly.

Sweet Kids!

Good reenactment! 

With the Y being closed, they decided to go back to the hotel and swim there.  They all had a blast at the hotel pool and really didn't ever want to leave.  They eventually did come home and eat and then some of the kids went back to the hotel, I think.

An after dinner dental exam... a regular thing around here. 

Sunday morning was very special.  Before church we took some photos recreating some from when the kids were young.  Sadly, the earlier photos are from an era where we lost many of our actual images so I had to copy them from other blog posts.  I am not sure how the quality will be.  

The ladies in 2019.

Five years earlier... the ladies in 2015. 

The Fab 4  May in 2019 

The Fab 4 in September 2013 (almost 6 years earlier) 

We had one service at 9:00.  It was such a special service.

So many sweet kids at the children's message. 

When it came time for the sermon, another pastor came forward like he was going to give it, but then he called Tom and Brandon up.  He asked Tom if he would do the message and Tom said no at first but then said sure.  It was planned ahead of time that Tom would preach that morning.  How special.  There were more surprises to come.  We were celebrating Brandon turning 40 (in March) and being at Friedens 10 years (in August).  We decided to split the difference and celebrate in May before school was out and just one service so we could all be together.  We sang all of Brandon's favorite songs.  After the service we had lots of tasty treats and then there was a special program after the treat time.  It was very encouraging.  Many people wrote Brandon sweet notes as well which was very special.

Tom pretending he didn't want to preach. 
Pastor Tom

A special time of prayer with family and the board.

Standing where we stood to pray ten years earlier. 

During the program people spoke about all the stages of Brandon's life.  We even had Dan (a college and Cru friend) come and share about Brandon's time in college.  

After such a special morning we headed downtown for a street festival.

A beautiful Lake day... the view from the end of our block. 
An even more beautiful view. 

Sweet officers

We couldn't pass up a police car tour. 

The front seat is much more comfortable than the back. 

Park leaders had some fun games set up. 


T: I wanted arm painting and not face painting. 

A sea of people on a beautiful day. 

The sea of people caused a bit of a problem.  We were all losing each other over and over again.  Brandon needed to head up to the church to move things before asbestos removal the following day.  He and M headed home.  I came home a bit later and Adrienne I went over to see if we could help.  We learned that other workers had just showed up.  It was sort of a strange feeling for Brandon to have so many people celebrate him in the morning and then not have movers in the afternoon.  Eventually we had a really good crew and everything got done that needed to get done.  

While we were moving the rest of the family was playing ball in the backyard.  Much kickball was played on Sunday afternoon.

M and T:  We love playing family kickball! 

After kickball I think there was more swimming in the hotel and I am pretty sure all four children stayed there that night.  The next morning they moved slowly and came to the house and played some more kickball and just hung out.  

We all went out to eat together and then said good bye after the meal.  It was time for everyone to head home.

M and T:  I wish we could see them more!!!

We were not home long when the kids started to crash.  There was not a lot of sleep that happened over the weekend so we let them each take a good nap.

He is out!

She is out!

We learned that the family had some wild weather on their way home and had to stop at a small town gas station for cover.  Thankfully everyone was OK and they made it home safely.  It was a special weekend together I will never forget.

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