Friday, March 27, 2020

Christmas Celebrations begin!

My parents came to town December 21-23rd (I think).  They were able to go to the kids performances and we celebrated Christmas together on Sunday afternoon.  This year the kids had some very special Christmas presents.  There were 6 numbered boxes from my parents to be opened in order.  My mom did such a great job making it so special.  I did send her a link off of Pinterest, but I think she did even better than the family in the link. 

The first gift was the "What gift"  It said that we are going on a vacation.  

T: I am not sure what these number gifts are all about. 

The second gift was the "Who gift." My mom drew little pictures of our family, she and my dad, and my brother and niece A!  The kids were excited that we would all be going on this vacation together.

M:  I didn't understand what was happening. 

Gift three (no pics) was the "Why gift" and it said Because we love you (a very Disney phrase if you are trying to guess the gift)!

Gift four (no pics) was the "How gift"and it told them we would be going by airplane.  I am not sure if the kids really were understanding all that was happening, but they were excited to be going on an airplane. 

Gift five (no pics) was the "When gift" and told them that we would be going in January! 

Finally it was time for the "Where gift" and the kids were very curious!

M:  I can't wait to find out where we are going!!

Gift six told them we were going to Florida!!  They were very excited.  It mentioned that we would be going to Disney and doing other things too!

M and T:  Are you for real?!?!?

Here are a couple of pics of my mom's great work!

The kids receive an ornament each year from my parents.  We decided to do Disney ornaments and they were in the 6th box as well.  

Happy Kids and Happy Grandparents!

Once the presents were opened we looked for videos and pictures of the resort we were going to stay at.  The kids were very excited about an on site adventure course.

M: Mom, this looks really really nice. 

The kids were also allowed to open a couple of other gifts including some church clothes for Christmas Eve from someone in our church.  M was so excited to try it all on.  He looks very grown up in this outfit though some of it might have been a bit large for him.

A handsome young man. 

Back in regular clothes and trying out a new stamp set from my Jaime, horses of course!

My brother gifted us with 3 puzzles.  He didn't know how valuable puzzles would be when he gave them to us.  This puzzle was only 100 pieces but designed to be tricky and my parents worked hard to get it together!

Puzzle time is always quality time for the brain and the soul!

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