Saturday, March 21, 2020

Trick or Treating/Grandparents Visit/Snow 2019

*Rewind Post - During my time of "real time" posting with Coronavirus blogging I will be trying to do some rewind posting.  My goal is a few posts a day as time allows.  I am excited to relive these memories and to take a step back from the concerns of the day and remember the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of the past months. 

Brandon's parents came up for a long weekend in late October (Yes, that means I am about 6 months behind on blogging).  They were able to be with us from Friday-Tuesday.  They ended up staying at a hotel because we were hosting Sunday School all over our house and there wasn't really anywhere for them to sleep/put anything. 

Our community always has Trick or Treating on the Saturday afternoon before Halloween (10/26 in 2019).  It is a fun time to have grandparents around, and I notice that all grandparents seem to enjoy the chocolate candy as well!  

On Friday night T taught everything the game that she made up with Julie. 

T: Everyone pay attention as I explain this. 
T: They were very good listeners. 
T: My game has a lot of supplies. 

On Saturday morning the kids went to swimming lessons and then got ready for Trick or Treating round one.  In the morning we head down to the local businesses for candy and treats.  We sometimes play games and check out the farmer's market too.  This year we had Superman and Super Girl!

T: I really really wanted my hair spray painted. 

M: I really didn't want my picture taken. 
T: I love walking with mom!  (Note the lightweight jacket.  This was before the weather turned cold!)

Sorting the morning haul!

By the time we had lunch and sorted the candy the second round of trick or treating came soon.  We heard that rain and cold weather was coming into the area so we tried to get out as early as possible.

The kids met a dog like Uncle Curtis' dog Elsa.  This dogs name is Olaf so the kids are sure they are destined to meet!
This house had treats for adults too.  The neighborhoods go all out!

We were getting colder and colder as time went on.  We got home just before it got really cold.  

On Sunday we had Sunday school and church.  After church there was more candy sorting and eating.
M: I got A LOT of candy this year. 

M: I spelled SNICKERS!!! 
On Sunday afternoon Tom and Judy took the kids to the Y to play at the indoor waterpark. 

M: Ready for the slide!

T: The lazy river is fun. 

T: I got to go alone!

M: I got a little wet. 

After their time at the Y the guys played some football in the church parking lot.

M: I practiced kicking. 

M: We had a huddle.

M: I called the play!

Lining up

Most of the family went to a restaurant for dinner.  I stayed home because I love the food there so much, but every time I eat it I feel sick and it is just too tempting when I am there.

Tic - Tac- Toe with grandma. 

T: I love the activity sheet every time. 

There might have been a late night hair styling after dinner. 

On Monday Tom and Judy ate lunch with the kids at school.  I am thankful they were able to eat with them at this visit since they decided not to eat with them on their recent trip due to Coronavirus.

T: I am so glad they came!
M: Glad that Grandma and Grandpa could meet some good friends. 

Evening games for the win!

On Tuesday morning (10/29) we woke up to a beautiful and way too early blanket of snow!

A winter wonderland in October. 

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