Saturday, March 21, 2020


*Rewind Post - During my time of "real time" posting with Coronavirus blogging I will be trying to do some rewind posting.  My goal is a few posts a day as time allows.  I am excited to relive these memories and to take a step back from the concerns of the day and remember the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of the past months. 

This fall I began helping with the midweek children's ministry each week.  I led games and enjoyed seeing the kids get into the action.  Each week during iGnite the children rotate to stations that include opening with music, verse/lesson, games, and snack/prayer.  It is so special to hear the children learning God's Word.  

Costumer night. 

The kids taught me a very fun game. 

Hop until you meet and then rock/paper/scissors.  Winner moves on and tries to make it to the other side. Lots of  cheering from teams.  So fun! 

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