Sunday, March 22, 2020

Our Weekend

*Real time post*
Interrupting this walk down memory lane for a real time post.  We made it through our first weekend home.  The weekend was actually more of a challenge with more emotions than the week days.  The kids are doing well overall.  It could always be worse.  We do have a lot of tricky times, but this is a tricky time for everyone right now.  I am looking forward (and my personality cringes) to the intense structure of our weekdays.  I love to relax,  not have a schedule and do what we want when we want, but my children crumble on days like that.  They thrive when they know what we are doing next and the time frame of it and seeing it written down.  When they have that, life is much easier.

Dutch Blitz has been a highlight of the weekend.  The kids both really like it and it is a new game to them which means it is fun and exciting.  Brandon and I both like it too, so playing it isn't a chore like some games of the past have been.

This morning we watched the church service in our living room.  We had a water spill and some big feelings here and there, but we pressed on.  Instead of Sunday School we listened to an episode of Paws and Tails.  Sundays usually feel so short, but this Sunday was a long day.

The kids have been enjoying wrestling with Brandon upstairs in M's room.  They can do this and little games they make up for extended periods of time which gives me a break too.  Today I heard Mikias get hit or scratched or something.  He said, "I think I am getting a wart."  I love it that they still say cute things.  That reminds me that I have a drawer of "Say What's?" that I have not blogged about in years.  I will have to pull those out sometime soon too!

As you can tell by the many posts I was able to get up the last couple of days, Brandon being with the kids has allowed a lot of time to do a month of blogging in 2 days.  I am so eager to get caught up and post in "real time" all the time so I am a blogging machine.  The Thanksgiving post has me slowing down because there are a lot of details that I need to remember.

This week is the kids official Spring Break week which means we shouldn't be getting too much by way of emails from the teachers.  This should make the days much less stressful and allow us to just follow the routine without the panic or needing to do assessments or logins or app adding etc.

It is hard to believe that we were in Mexico a week ago.  Two weeks created forever changes in our world.  I am so thankful that He truly does have the whole world in His hands!!

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