Saturday, March 21, 2020

Team T!

*Rewind Post - During my time of "real time" posting with Coronavirus blogging I will be trying to do some rewind posting.  My goal is a few posts a day as time allows.  I am excited to relive these memories and to take a step back from the concerns of the day and remember the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of the past months. 

After months of waiting and filling out paperwork, T finally began receiving county services from CCS (Comprehensive Community Services) about six months ago.  T's team has been incredible.  We are so thankful for these women who surround her with encouragement and wisdom and a listening ear.  

T meets with her mentor Julie each week.  They often meet in the community and do things at the library or walk around downtown.  They sometimes go out to eat or shopping at Dollar Tree.  

T: Julie and are are making a game. 

Ashley is T's play/talk therapist.  She comes to our home each week.  Some weeks she takes T to the library or out in the community as well.  Ashley has a hard job!

T: Ashley always wants to talk about feelings. 

T has finally had consistent OT for over a year.  We love Kirsten her OT.  She seems to "get" T well and loads her up with heavy work and deep impact.  (Kirsten is not part of CCS, but is part of T's special team for sure!)

T: We are matching!

T loves Allie her Art Therapist.  They meet each week in her art studio.  T has made many great projects and they love to create things together.  T is learning a lot about Art and views it more as a class than therapy which is a huge blessing.

T: Allie and I love to make projects together. 

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