Saturday, March 21, 2020

Construction Update

*Rewind Post - During my time of "real time" posting with Coronavirus blogging I will be trying to do some rewind posting.  My goal is a few posts a day as time allows.  I am excited to relive these memories and to take a step back from the concerns of the day and remember the joy (and sometimes sorrow) of the past months. 

Wow, this was another post that was "drafted" when life got crazy and the blogging stopped.  It is CRAZY to see how far we have come since October.  So many trials and joys and moments of progress and moments of setback.  It is hard to believe we now have a complete facility.  Ironically, it is a facility that in currently not really being used due to social distancing, but it is ready when normalcy returns.   I believe these pics were taken in October of 2019 

The hallway was being created with this crazy big saw. 

There were many rain delays and messy conditions. 

This was the mark on a LONG delay when a gas smells caused digging to stop and soil to be tested.
Long ago there was a Sunday School building (it looked like a University style building) in our backyard and something remained that was giving a gas smell.  It caused delays and expenses, but all was figured out and we were eventually able to move forward.
Our backyard view was ever changing and the equipment keeps getting bigger!
Exposed brick!
This guy was huge!

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