Sunday, March 29, 2020

Christmas Roadtrip 2019

While I recognize that these events happened 3 months ago, it feels both like yesterday and a lifetime ago as I look at the pictures!  This time together is more treasured now than ever.  

Day One: Thursday, December 26th 2019
Our trip to MN for Thanksgiving was filled with winter driving and snow activities.  Our trip to MO after Christmas felt like going to a tropical location.  Temps were in the mid to upper 60's as we headed south!  

Our ride to MO was quite uneventful!  Something we were quite thankful about after our summer trip with the flat tire.  The most eventful part of our drive was the oddest hearse we have ever seen.   We spotted it way up ahead of us and wondered what in the world it could be.  From behind the vehicle had more of a pyramid shape than most vehicles.  It looked like a hearse but it seemed way too tall.  We tracked it for about 30 minutes before we finally came up to the car. I insisted that Brandon take a picture, but the picture doesn't really capture how odd it looked.  Interestingly, since seeing this hearse I saw another odd looking hearse/ pall bearer vehicle.  It looked like a hearse but had three doors on each side.  I spotted that one right after Brandon's eye surgery so there was no way to take a pic. I digress...
A crazy looking hearse. 

Once we arrived in MO we dropped the kids off at Adrienne's house and Brandon and I went to unload things at Tom and Judy's.  Once we were back at the house we had a fun evening of brunch for dinner, present opening, chatting, family picture taking, and spending time together.  Our whole family was together for a few precious hours and it was wonderful.  The kids were thrilled to be with cousins and we were all so happy to see Uncle Curt doing so well after extensive surgery to remove cancer and some very scary post surgical stuff.

Almost the whole crew (except for Tom taking the pic) 

These two T's make me smile. 

Brandon and his aunt Mel. 

So blessed to have Adrienne for a sister in law! 

M: Every time I see A I smile!

The girls attempt to be in their own world as much as possible.  It is actually hard to get picture of them these days.  They created a school supply store in A's closet at one point.  Brandon's aunt gave the girls lots of supplies from her classroom so they set up a store.  Fun!

T: A got a REAL phone and we got to use it... A LOT!
M: We were just pretending to be gymnasts.  

M: I am pretty glad that Daddy's cousin E married this guy!  

So precious!

M: What can I say, I like phones and I like T!

M: I don't think we were actually asleep, but it was a cozy spot to rest my head. 

Present time!

Family Picture Christmas 2019 

Required silly photo! 

The evening had a sad note too.  We learned that a local woman,  mom to some of my nieces best friends died on Christmas Day in a tragic accident where she was run over by her husband.  Our hearts broke, and there was a heaviness the lingered during the whole time there.

We didn't get to Tom and Judy's until late.  We put the boys to bed (every night is a rotating sleepover) and then chatted with Tom and Judy.  I fell asleep pretty quickly.  Tom also must have fallen asleep at some point.  Brandon snapped this photo from the loft without either of us knowing.  I think he woke me after taking the picture, because I don't remember going upstairs in the middle of the night. 

To tired to chat. 
Day Two: Friday, December 27th 2019

Everyone slept in!  We did hear that T was up very late.  Apparently by 12:30 am she had used all the battery on A's phone and then snuck into Adrienne and Chris' room to take Chris' phone without permission.  That girl.  She never gets much sleep while traveling.

When all the kids were awake Grandpa Tom made many pancakes.  We all moved pretty slowly.  We decided to meet up at Judy's sister Jeanette's house at 10:30.  She created a gift hunt. Brandon's cousins T and T hid candy and little toys all over her basement 

First Jeanette explained all the rules. 

Then the kids hunted for the candy and gifts.  

It was sort of like an Easter Egg/Easter Basket hunt at Christmas time.  As I am typing I am thinking that it is pretty special that they got to do this because Easter this year might be a lot more low key on egg hunts so it is pretty cool that they got to have this adventure when they did!

Finally they sorted the candy and made sure that everything was fair. 

After the hunt we all hung out in the basement and chatted and laughed ate treats for a while.  Eventually we went upstairs and ate some lunch.  After lunch it was time to say goodbye to T and T and family.  My kids are always sad to see them go. 

M: T makes me smile so much!

M: I love having big friends like T!
M:  I just didn't want to let go!

After this series of pics younger T needed to step in before things got out of hand haha!

M: These two! :) 
T was outside with A playing in the creek but was convinced to come inside for one very quick pic.

So thankful for our special family!

Once Mel's family left Brandon and M went to check out James' special restored Porsche. I was getting so hangry and was trying to convince people to go home so I could eat.  I didn't know we would be eating lunch there so I didn't bring anything.  Oops.

M: This car looked brand new and the engine was in the back.  I don't even get it!

After we got back to Tom and Judy's and I had some late lunch we headed to the dentist office for check ups and cleanings.   

While I was walking my children became dentists in training! You can tell these pics were taken in a pre COVID-19 era.  Look at all these rubber gloves.  We currently have five in our house to be used only when absolutely needed!

The glove game is strong!
Will either of these two carry on the family business?  Possibly! 

I am happy to report that none of us had cavities so we didn't have to stay for fillings which was nice. 

Once we got home it was time to decorate the cake for Jesus' Birthday.  Having a Birthday cake for Jesus is a fun tradition for our family.
They all pick a color and frost their section. 

So thankful for dinner and family time!

Time for cake!
Nothing like after dinner music and wrestling!
Poor A is pretty buried!
At about 7:00 we began opening gifts.
M: I was so excited about my back scratcher.  I had to take off my shirt and try it right away!

T: LOL's and Unicorn slipper socks.  What a great day!

M's big gift was a remote control car.  He chose it while in MO in August and had been waiting and waiting for it since then.  Sadly, something was wrong with the battery and it didn't work.  He was devastated.  They eventually went to the store and he chose a LEGO set instead.
Trying to get it to work. 

Eventually they came back upstairs and Tom cracked open his Kettle Corn.  The girls were trying some new wheelie things that the kids just opened.  They are also wearing their matching puppy PJ's.

T: We were trying to sneak popcorn from Grandpa Tom. 

T: We both make up the rules but it makes sense to us. 

T: I love hanging out with these two!

A and M get along very well, but they have very different interests.  For the first time ever the boys didn't get matching PJ's this year.  A bit sad, but they are growing up.

M: A and I both got new PJ's and new Earth books!

It was a very very very full and long day! T fell right to sleep that night!

Day 3: Saturday, December 28th 2019

After an extremely full Friday, Saturday was quite the opposite.  There were pancakes in the morning and we had a very low-key day all day.  I think there was some LEGO building and lots of playing and maybe some tears.  I am pretty sure that M went to Walmart(and maybe other stores too) in search of a gift replacement. After lunch Tom took all four kids to an indoor waterpark play area.  Sadly, after just being there a few minutes the pool had to close.  The cousins have struck out with pool trips.  Their last three times together they had vomit, poo and lightening cause their swim time to be cut short.  Thankfully this place also had a climbing wall that the kids really enjoyed.  

While the kids were climbing I was watching Hallmark movies.  I am pretty sure that I fell asleep about 20 minutes in and woke up for the last 20 minutes and totally figured out all that I must have missed.  Yes, Hallmark movies can be cheesy and predictable... but they are also lovely and charming and relaxing and I am so thankful for them.
M and T:  We were up really high! 
Day 4: Sunday, December 29th 2019

We started the day by attending Tom's church as a family.  It was very special to all be there together. The woman leading the children's message brought her dogs with her to church.  The dogs were not really a part of the message, but she just knows that children enjoy them.  My children loved them and would have cuddled with them all service!  For those of you who don't know Newfoundland dogs are huge!
M:  Can we take them home with us? 

After church we headed back to Tom and Judy's house and I went for a walk.  Temps were in the 50's and I would take my hat off and on.  It was pretty windy, but still felt lovely.

I wash wishing I had my pink "summer" hat. 

When I got home from the walk I found A and T cracking geodes in the green house.  They look so cute and serious in their safely glasses.

T: This is serious business. 

It was special to be in MO on a Sunday so we could watch the Kansas City Chiefs together.  Adrienne and Chris were at the game.  We didn't spot them on our TV, but we know they had a great time.  While the game was on, the kids were allowed to have screen time because the adults really wanted to watch the  game and the kids didn't last through one quarter.

T: After about 2 minutes of football I was really to do something else.  I wonder if I will like it someday. 

Just as the game was finishing up (we won!!!) Jeanette and James and Curt arrived for dinner.  It was such fun to be able to spend more time with them and eat tasty food together.

After dinner Jeanette entertained the girls with lots of book!

T: We love reading with Aunt Jeanette. 

I think the boys rotated between ball tag and ping pong in the basement.  M came up to talk with James and Curt.  He is starting to really enjoy being a part of adult discussions.

M: James made me smile!

It was getting quite apparent at times that we all had been together for several days and kindness was going out the window.

M: When things feel unfair, I always know I can cuddle with Grandpa. 

After Curt's huge surgery and post-op setbacks and chemo it was so good for our souls to spend extended time with him and see him doing well!  So many answered prayers.  Now I am hoping he doesn't have any post op visits scheduled for a while.  I hope his immune system can stay far away from hospitals!

Uncle Curt is very special to us all!
It was another late night, but such a special time with special people.

Day 5: December 30th 2019

We had another slower start with pancakes for the kids and a walk for me.  We had such lovely walking weather the entire time we were there.

A trip to MO would never be complete without the girls raiding Grandma Judy's makeup and shoes.  We started the final day with some beautiful models.

T: These shoes are easy to walk in! 

After we were packed and possibly had an early lunch (I can't remember) we headed for home.  I think it was a pretty uneventful drive, since 3 months later I can't remember anything about it.  We did the license plate game once again and had a pretty reasonable result.  It is such a fun way to pass the time, esp for me as the driver.

28 States and 5 Provinces

Once we got home it was time to figure out dinner and do some unpacking. We are so thankful for our precious time in MO and for a season of respite for Brandon and I.  The fall at church was filled with construction and extra weight to bear for our family.  The Christmas season is always stressful for Brandon and this one with all the finish work hiccups at church was extra stressful.  We headed to MO weary and depleted. We headed home with full love tanks from time with family and full tummies after many great meals and treats.  We are so very blessed indeed.  In a time when long distance travel is discouraged, we treasure these sweet moments even more and thank God for our special family.  

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