Monday, April 27, 2020

Almost 60! (Week four)

Very early in week four (4/7) we had a warm day.  Temps were close to 60 which is warm for early April by the Lake.  Honestly, that is warm for early June in our area.  M's teacher told the kids to stop working at get outside.  Rain and cold were supposed to be moving back into the area and we all needed the vitamin D.  The three of us spent several hours outside.  The kids did lots of biking down the dirt hill.  M also decided to do some wood carving with his pocket knife and T and I passed the ball back and forth to see how long we could go without dropping it.  I think our record was 63 times.  We even had some snacks outside and tried to get a little tan on our faces.  It was a good morning for our family! 
T: Sometimes you fall down and have to get back up again. 

T: See, here I come!

M: This is my fastest speed. 

M:  This knife is sharp. 

M: Mom always wants to take my picture, but at least it is because I am using a knife. 

T: Catch it mom!

T: Summer, please come soon! 

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