Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The kids and the grands!

The kids had a great week with Grandpa Tom and Grandma Judy.  It was a different week than usual, but they still got to do many special things.  Tom and Judy usually eat at school with the kids, but this year they decided to not visit school in case there were germs brewing.  They also didn't take a second trip to the Y.  

When Tom and Judy asked the kids what they should bring they requested things that they loved when they were little. The requested the marble towers and things to make volcanos.  I am so thankful that the kids love these traditions. 

T: Buttercup LOVED the marbles!!!

Buttercup:  I caught one!!!
T: I love making volcanos with Grandma Judy!
Yahtzee games are the best!

Most years we go to Mexico the theme for iGnite is mustache night.  It was again this year.  Grandma Judy is very good at drawing mustaches!

T: I have to sit still. 

T: I liked it, but I felt like it needed something more. 

T:  This is perfect!

M: I wanted to look intense!

M: This is perfect!

Throughout the week the kids continued to have their therapies and clubs as normal.  On Friday afternoon they learned that the state was closing down the schools and that their school would be closed for (at least) 4 weeks.  The kids were so devastated.  They both cried a lot in school.  M was supposed to meet with his mentor, but came home early because he was just too sad.  

When we saw that the schools were closing I encouraged Tom and Judy to take the kids to a library we don't usually go to and to get A LOT of books.  I didn't realize how seriously they would take this... but I am glad they did.  They checked out 81 books and over a dozen movies!  These books have been a HUGE blessing to us over the last month and I am so very thankful that we have them! 

On Saturday afternoon Tom took T to the laundromat to wash more clothes.  She apparently got a mustache from a vending machine.

Nice, T!

I know the kids had a week filled with memories and joy.  We are so thankful for the fun they have and the time they get to spend with Brandon's parents.

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