Monday, April 13, 2020

Officially Eight!

On February 16th our sweet T turned EIGHT!  How is this possible?  She is growing so quickly, though she still has the same big personality.  She is passionate about almost everything.  She has a deep love for our cats and for LEGO's and for Art and Fashion.  She loves to read graphic novels, weird but true books, and some chapter books.  She still loves makeup and fashion and accessories.  She is always creating projects and coming up with fun ideas.  She loves jumping and balancing and strength training and "grip" as she calls it. She has recently become an excellent puzzler and has learned how to snap her fingers.  She is working very hard at kicking her thumb sucking and hair pulling habits.  Some days are better than others, and we are proud of the progress she has made.  T loves her brother very much and just glows when he gives her time, attention, or praise.  

She knows she has some struggles and things to work on, and she prays a lot to be a better friend.  Her therapy team has been so special for her this year and we are exited for the time when she can meet with them again.  

She is still a pretty picky eater and hovers right around 40 pounds.  Thankfully I can always get her to eat sweet potatoes.  When she likes a food she will eat large amounts, but other times she will eat the minimum required amount. 

On past Birthdays T has wanted LOTS of gifts.  She didn't even care what they were, she just wanted lots of them. I am very proud of her maturity because this year she had only two requests (LEGO's and LOL's).  I was able to surprise her with some gifts which made the day extra special.  

This year we did not give M half Birthday presents.  We figured since he is now 10 he could start to handle not being the Birthday boy.  This was met with much anger and sadness.  Thankfully our dear friends Curt and Deb saved the day with a 1/2 Birthday gift for him that he truly loved and was so thankful for.  

T's Birthday was on a Sunday this year which is sort of tricky because our Sunday mornings are very busy and can be pretty long.  She was a trooper and was able to wait through all the church stuff and not open her gifts until well into the afternoon. 

T:  I am so curious what is in these gifts!

Last May she learned about the game Exploding Kittens and loved it.  She hadn't played it since then, but it came to mind this year and I was able to find it for her. 

T: I can't believe you remembered this mom!
T loves LOL's but she knows that I think they are totally junk.  I told her I wouldn't buy them for her... but then I surprised her and got her a boy LOL that she really wanted.  She couldn't believe it.

T:  Mom, I can't believe you got me this!

We also got her a dolphin trainer LEGO set since she was so smitten with them during our trip to FL.  She received some thinking putty to keep her hands busy.  That gift has been so incredibly essential during this season of home schooling.  Getting her the putty was a gift from God for sure. She really wanted her own box of Lucky Charms sometime last November so I remembered and grabbed a box for her too.  We ordered her a fancy princess dress that was coming over from China so it didn't arrive by her Birthday.

M: Thank you C and D for a new Technic set.  They are my very favorite!!!

T: I LOVE LEGO sets!!!!

Throughout the day T was able to choose her favorite food for meals... Shawarma and Pizza... play games, watch a movie, build LEGO's, and take a relaxing bath.  It was a very good day for her!  She was so excited to play Exploding Kittens.  M was not super excited to play, but we all managed to make it through the day!

So thankful for the peace that LEGO projects bring to our home. 
T:  This game is so fun.  M:  I am not going to smile!

I convinced him to give me a smile!  Yay!!
T we are so blessed to be your parents.  We pray that year 8 is a great year for you.  I know that it has not gone the way we would have expected so far, but we know that God is faithful and we are praying that you will be very encouraged as you grow in every way.  We love you sweet T!

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