Sunday, April 5, 2020

Three Weeks Home!

*Pausing the Florida posts for a quick minute to give a little Sunday night status update.

The last three weeks have either felt like one really really long day or about 4 years, I can't decide which one.  The world has changed in countless ways and I continue to be reminded of how little control we have over anything.

We are incredibly blessed to be together as a family in this season.  We have a safe, clean, warm, food filled environment to ride out this season.  We pray for countless groups of people who have deep needs and struggles, who are working in hospitals and grocery stores and delivery services.  There is so much hard and hurting and sickness and death.

We have had many joys this week.  We have completed more puzzles as a family and each child has individually as well.  We are currently working on a very challenging puzzle as a family.  We taught the kids Farkle this weekend and they really enjoyed it.  T continues to work on her snapping.  They have not been shuffling too much the last few days, but it is still an isolation goal for each of them.  M has read several chapter books.  T still enjoys graphic novels, but I would love to get her into chapter books this week!  Yesterday the kids were able to go biking with Brandon.  It was my first hour home without kids in almost a month.  I continue my early morning walks and am so thankful for that time to pray, to chat with family, and to listen to podcasts.  I have been loving Jen Hatmaker and Andy Stanley.  We continue to have daily Bible time which is a great treasure and a great blessing to come out of this season.  We tried a new cookie recipe and a new bread recipe this week.  The kids continue to gain confidence in chores and housework.  This week I hope to teach the kids King's Corner and some other games I loved growing up.

In the midst of all the hard and the joy is our daily drama.  My kiddos carry a lot of trauma and have a lot of mental health challenges.  These issues do not disappear when the world changes... they intensify.  The anger, the anxiety, the impulsivity etc is felt in a way that is hard to carry.  I fully acknowledge that all children are feeling many of these things right now.  Children with trauma struggle on a more intense level, more frequently, and for longer periods of time.  The frequency, intensity, and duration of these meltdowns or rages sets us apart from what is felt in many houses.  As I tell the story of this season I would be remiss if I didn't share how tricky this season is in our family.

We are thankful that we know how the story ends... Jesus Is Victorious!  This week as we celebrate Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection!  We get a chance as the body of Christ to proclaim Jesus as the conquering King!

*Now back to the FL posts

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