Saturday, April 18, 2020

February Favorites

In my continuing effort to play catch up on the blog, I am going to combine many February photos so that we can move right into March photos in the next post.  These are from many different event and many have their own story to tell. 

I love seasonal decorations! 
I was cleaning T's room in early February and looked under her bed and found the hair in the pic below.  She pulls out her hair which resulted in a bald spot (it is getting better now) and I found lots of evidence in her room.

Not what I wanted to see under her bed.

The pictures below might seem like repeats of pics from other places, but I am going to post them because they remind me of similar times.  I am now going to bed at basically the same time as the kids, so I get very few cuddles with these cuties.

A quiet evening with the cats. 

 I have to kick off my socks because they are little heaters on me. 

Not a great photo, but a great cat so the picture remains. 

Weekend Dragonwood games... back when the only time we had for games was the weekend. 

We have a few photos from Valentine's Day.  They are not typical Valentine's Day pics, but they represent our day well.  Valentine's Day was the date of our last potluck.  Crazy to think that, but it is true.  We had to cancel our March one and now April and May as well. 

The first picture is the result of countless hours of research.  Brandon found a sit stand desk that could actually work for his tall frame.  He also got a special adjustable monitor so that he can have great ergonomics.  Ironically, he has used his office very little and since then and is now using a card table in our bedroom.  

The perfect Brandon setup. 

Brandon took the kids to the library after school while I prepped for the potluck.  They ran into S at the library so she stayed with them and then came home with them when it was time for the potluck.

We miss this library!
Sunshine is such a great cat.  He goes up to T's room to wait for her each night.  He works hard to keep her calm, even putting his paw on her to calm her.  Such an amazing cat.

Sunshine takes his job very seriously!

A few magnatile projects in the morning. 

The sunrises... amazing every day! 

As I mentioned in a previous post, M was spending time with a mentor each week.  The mentor has a cat who just loves M.  They were taking a little nap together one day after school.  Naps that late in the day can be brutal when it comes to sleeping at night, but the relationship that M has with the cat is very sweet.
M: We both like naps. 
One evening T and Brandon sat in the chair and she read him a whole chapter book out loud.

Read across America week!

February Birthday chart!  

Growing up we often played "Aggravation" at my Grandma's house.  We played it again at Thanksgiving and my family gave us our own board for Christmas.  It was very special to play it in our home as a family.  T kept calling it "Endocrine" which cracked us all up.

M: I take this game very seriously. 

Some nights M falls asleep before T and Buttercup goes into her room and works overtime. 

Morning readers. 

Making slime is not my favorite thing... at all.  Thankfully Brandon was around when T was inspired and he got the joy of helping her!

Good teamwork. 

Last year I received an air fryer for Christmas.  We love making fries in it (when we are not conserving potatoes haha) and they turn out so well.  I decided to take a picture of a batch because they looked beautiful.  It is sort of a miracle that they can taste so crispy without oil.


Ending the month with some cat cuddles.  Oh how I miss those days! 

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