Sunday, April 19, 2020

March Memories... before COVID

We left for Mexico on March 9th.  That meant that we had a week at home with relatively normal living before we left.  During that week I did a lot of shopping and cleaning and organizing so things would be ready for Brandon's parents.  I also prepped food and desserts for them to eat while we were gone.  I usually prep a weeks worth of food.  This time I felt like I needed to have plans for 21 meals. Some of the meals were hotdogs and fries, but I wanted to have 21 meals.  Why 21 meals?  Well, we had heard of people coming from China to the US and needing to quarantine for 14 days and I wanted to make sure they had supplies for that amount of time should we have to do the same.  Thankfully we were able to come home as scheduled.  Also, because we had those supplies we were much better set up to self isolate when we got home.  I also purchased toilet paper WAY before there became a shortage so that was a blessing too. 

Here are a few pics from the first days of March.  

T: My Birthday dress arrived! (After church time with S)

Sunshine always "helps" fold clothes. 

One night T told me she wanted to make an emotions poster for her room.  Her emotion options and reasoning were fascinating and they do show that we still have quite a bit of work to do on understanding emotions.  She told me what to write.  She wrote a few of the words, but wanted me to write the rest.  I didn't influence her at all.

Mad: Things don't work.  Daddy is annoying me it feels like.
Angry: When I'm angry I start throwing things and hitting people. 
Pretend happy: I don't like a present but I pretend to like it.
Unsure: Do I want to do this?
Holding in feelings: When somebody is being mean I don't tell other people.

Ending the post on a lighter note, the first week of March the schools did a special Dr. Suess week.  T dressed like a little girl in One Fish Two Fish.  She was just darling.  M and I had an Endocrine appointment so a friend picked up T for school.  Brandon still doesn't drive the children, even around town. 

T: I look like the girl with the pet Mike. 

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