Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Getting ready for Mexico

Finally the weekend came for us to do the final packing push for our trip to Mexico.  This year's trip had added stress with Brandon's eye surgery and as we were getting ready to go, wondering about coronavirus outbreaks.  I read so many articles that said over and over that it was still safe to travel.  There were no warnings about travel to Mexico.  Life in our area was still very much the same.  On the 7th I believe the CDC said something about people over 60 gathering in big groups. Sanitizer was becoming scarce, but we had plenty. 

Brandon's parents came into town on Saturday, March 7th. It was on this day that the dryer quit working.  We asked Brandon's dad to take the clothes to the laundromat and he and M took them that day.  We are so thankful he did.  We gave Brandon's parents info about getting it repaired while we were gone. 

We celebrated Brandon's Birthday early with his favorite pie and gluten free cake for the kids. They all loved it. 

M and T:  Grandma made a new recipe and it was SO GOOD!

On Sunday morning we had church as usual.  Brandon's dad decided to arrive late and watch the service alone in the wiggle room.  He wanted to make sure he stayed healthy so he could watch our kids well while we were gone.  

After church Brandon and I needed to get into packing mode, so Tom and Judy took the kids to the Y with the indoor waterpark.  It was as extra special  occasion because even Grandma Judy got in the water!  

Ready for the tube slide!

Happy Girl!

M:  This is a lot easier than it used to be!

T: I can reach the ropes for extra help!

Grandma and the kids on the lazy river. 
Looks relaxing!
M: I was telling T an idea about how to make Grandpa Tom laugh!

While the kids were having fun we were busy packing.  The cats were eager to help.

Buttercup and Sunshine:  Take us with, please!!!!

The crew came home and showered here to try to stay out of the locker rooms at the Y.  After showers they had some cozy cuddles with Grandpa Tom.

T and M:  We are so glad he is here!

Brandon and I decided to sleep at our house instead of staying at a hotel by the airport.  This meant that Tom had to wake up in the middle of the night, but it also saved us money and meant that we didn't have to get exposed to the germs and things of a hotel near the airport.  I barely slept that night wondering if we were making the right decision.

In the next post I will share pics of the kid's week with Tom and Judy.  After that post I will share our pictures from Mexico. 

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