Sunday, April 26, 2020

Safer At Home Week Three - Puzzles and more

Week three of safer at home ran from March 30th- April 5th. Yes, I run my weeks Monday-Sunday on this blog during this season because we came home on a Sunday night and because school starts on Mondays.  Sorry if that is confusing, but I am sticking to it. 

This post gives a general overview of random pics from week three and links to my realtime posts from that week.  I did THIS POST  about my trip to the grocery store on March 30th, and THIS POST about our third week in isolation. Pictures from week three can also be found in the three posts above. 

Week three was the week we (hardcore) started homeschooling.  It took us a few days to figure out our best routine... actually week three was pretty tricky all week, but we have gained ground since then.  

Week three was a week of MANY puzzles.  Since we had our 1000 piece done we were looking for more puzzles to fill the days. 

A couple years ago I bought a Christmas puzzle on clearance and totally forgot about it.  It is a unique puzzle that has three different sizes of pieces in one puzzle.  Our family can handle all small pieces now, but this is a really cool concept.  

M: This was a really cool puzzle. 

T: 400 pieces and we finished it in one day!

They each did 100 piece puzzles on their own.  They also did several floor puzzles which they insisted on pictures of, but can't post every single one and I am pretty sure we have those puzzles featured in years past.

T: I did this princess. 

M: I did this silly one. 
I am not sure who did the Olaf puzzle.
T: I did this Mary puzzle but it is actually Moses, I just called it Mary. 

Late in the week we started a kayak puzzle that was a real challenge.  I think it was 550 pieces.
M: This is a REALLY hard puzzle

Besides schooling and puzzling (and the parade, mud, Dr visit and grocery stores from previous posts) we had time for other things too.
T: I made this fort in the basement. 

M: I am learning about vacuuming stairs. 

T: I wrote a long journal entry about falling in the mud!

I had daily walks and witnessed more incredible sunrises!

T: I continue to have amazing flexibility and grip. 

Sunshine: I faithfully wait for my family to come to the breakfast table. 

Brandon caught all of us cuddling and napping on Saturday afternoon. 

The cats were in the same room having a rest. 

Hearts and rainbows are appearing in many windows.  I got choked up when I saw this beautiful heart rainbow coming out of a book in the library windows.  So beautiful and encouraging!

We miss the library too... more than we ever imagined!

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