Monday, April 13, 2020

Four Weeks Home

*real time post*
Today at "agenda time" we talked about today's date being April 13th.  I reminded the kids that their last day of in classroom school was March 13th.  On one hand, the last month feels many months long.  It feels like we are creeping through the days.  On the other hand, it is hard for my brain to believe it has already been a month. Where did all those days go?  As I have been catching up on the blog I was very excited that I blogged about T's Birthday.  Then I realized it was almost two months ago.
Overall, things are going well.  There are countless ways that things could be going worse.  We have our share of struggles, but we have victories as well.
We had a very lovely Easter together yesterday and Good Friday service on Friday  We have enjoyed virtual church and can feel the connection with church family even if we can't see them.  We were able to attend the service and the Leader Check-in last week.  It was very special to hear from many Christian leaders and artists.
The kids learned and enjoyed King's Corner.  The learned Farkle as well.  I can't remember if I wrote about that last week.  Tonight we tried to play Rummy.  It has potential to be a very fun game, one I played as a child... but our start didn't go well.  Both kids were dysregulated.  There was much screaming and the cards were put away after one round.
Last week T had her first Zoom class meeting and a google meeting with her deaf/hard of hearing teacher and audiologist. M had a google meeting with his teacher and a few classmates.  They are hoping to have another later this week.
Today the kids and I went on a small drive in the red car.  We haven't driven it in probably six weeks so decided that we should take it for a spin.  We needed to find the address for someone, pick something up, and then just drive around and check out the community and the Lake.  We have been out biking and walking, but driving around felt a bit odd.
I am excited that I continue to expand my 6:00am call team.  I have several friends I now share early morning walks/talks with.  They might live several states away, but our time together in the mornings is so precious and encouraging for the whole day.
The kids had no school on Friday and Monday.  It was blissful.  I am trying to gear up for another week starting tomorrow.  At this point our state hasn't canceled live school for the year.  We know the schools will be closed for two more weeks.  It is hard for my brain to believe that the kids could be back at school two weeks from today, but with things changing so rapidly who knows what life will be like in two weeks.
I decided to put a few stats in my weekly update posts.  I should have done this all along, but haven't always put them in.  There are 1,924,679 cases in the world, 586,941 in America, 3,472 in our state, 72 in our county, and 6 in our community.  I just spent way too long on the world meter coronavirus update page.  It is fascinating to me that people in our country are eager to open things back up when we have had 26, 641 new cases in the last 24 hours and over 1,500 deaths.  I realize the last sentence could be debate worthy.  I am not looking for a debate.  I can barely keep my eyes open to finish this post.  I share these stats for record keeping and the increase in cases and deaths (to me) seem like a lot.
In this week ahead we are looking forward to T's first virtual therapy session on Thursday.  It is kind of crazy that this single event represents our one big out of the ordinary thing this week.
Keep pressing on friends!  We are praying for you and we care about you.

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