Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is for supper in September? Day 21 Beef Stroganoff

This meal works great for us on a Sunday morning since the meat can cook in the crock pot while we are at church. Coming home to warm food after a long Sunday morning is one of my favorite simple joys!

Beef Stroganoff (1/2 crock pot style)

1 round steak
1 medium onion chopped
2 cans coconut milk
1 or 2 can(s) mushrooms
1 package fettuccine noodles Pasta Joy (look for the rabbit on bag, remember)
corn starch (as needed)
salt and pepper to taste

Place round steak, onions, mushrooms, and one can coconut milk in crock pot.
Season with salt and pepper
Cook on high about 3 hours (I pop home before the second service :)
Mix a bit (1T) of corn starch with second can of coconut milk until dissolved
Add mixture to crock pot and turn to low
Cook 2 more hours (total, this includes time with noodles)
Cook noodles following instructions on package
Break apart steak (should be tender and break easily with a fork)
Drain noodles and add to crock pot and cook 20 minutes (add more spices if desired)

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