Thursday, October 17, 2019

Between travels...

As I mentioned in the previous posts, we were in MN from August 10-14th. The kids headed to MO for their special grandparent trip on the 21st, so we had a week full of activities at home in between!  

On the 15th we were rocking the appointments.  On the 16th we hosted a potluck in our home.  I love to cook and I love to have people in our home, so potlucks are a favorite night for me.  Prepping for them with the kids around is tricky, but somehow we made it happen.  
A typical month, 2 Casseroles, 3 pans of Greek Potatoes, and a pot of Taco Soup!

On Saturday morning we discovered that T had been pulling out her hair, lots of her hair.


We found clumps like this! 

T's hair pulling doesn't stop her from being incredibly awesome or doing great things, just another hurdle to jump over. 

Here are some pics from the in between days. 

T: I made a pretty awesome castle!
T: I played ballet!

T: I don't want to take lessons again, but I love the clothes!

T: I played delivery person and had M sign for the package!

T: The cats are waiting for more deliveries!
On Saturday we met friends at the theater and watched a show together!  After the show we took L with us to the library and then to the pool!  Lots of diving boards and water slides and summer fun.  Sadly I only took one pic!

M: I love going to the theater!

Our buddy L rocking the diving board!

I even managed an evening walk with Charissa.  It is so beautiful down by the Lake at night... or really any time.

One of those, "I can't believe I get to live here" moments! 

Besides the events in these pics we enjoyed a lovely day at our church's annual Baptism Picnic.  We also had a big team meeting to get all of T's therapy team in place.  On the 20th we made another trip to Children's for two more appointments that I couldn't get on the previous trip and an additional OT!  

The kids were very excited about their week in MO and Brandon and I were excited to have a week here to spend time together and to get things done... more on this in tomorrow's post!

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